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♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Memory is a lovely lane, where hearts R ever true, a lane I so often travel down, because it leads 2 U Hugs Wendy and Sarah♥♥
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Forever Young xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Forever in Our Hearts your Stay Loved and Missed Everyday xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Your Mom's heart is broken as she misses more each day. It's expected she loves you so much. Hold her tightly always Bella
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Look at the Stars and Know that they are All Kisses From Isabella xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino RAponi
G'Morning querida BELLA, missing you, away from home but never forgotten. Blessing, love & hope Clores. Hugs..
Mom to Angel Justin Lindley
As her spirit soars in flight & with the flicker of this flame, I say a prayer in Bella's name.
Randi-Mark's Mom
Praying that you're fine and having a beautiful day in heaven. Bless you sweet angel.
Minha filha onde estiver estara encantando com seu sorriso formoso e seu iluminado espirito,esteja em paz e na luz do Senhor
Saudade de minha maninha,te amo lhe guardo dentro de meu coracao.Descanse em paz Bellinha
Boa Noite Meu Anjo
Bella estou indo hoje lhe visitar em seu castelinho,levarei mais baloes e flores do outono,te amo muito filha querida.Boa noite
Minha Isabella Querida
Se eu podesse lhe dar a minha vida em troca vc voltando eu lhe daria,mais isso e' impossivel,metade de minha vida se foi com
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