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My Precious Little Girl

MeuBebezinhoeuteamo.jpg picture by Isabella132004


Olha Que Coisa Mais Linda Mais Cheia De Graça

É Essa Menina Que Vem E Que Passa

Num Doce Balanço Ao

Caminho Do Mar

Minha pequenina menina linda,como poderei escrever

essas palavras vendo sua inocência de uma criança com sonhos

de um amanhã para ser realizados,vejo você nessa foto e sinto

falta demais de quando você era pequenina,tinhas um sorriso encantador

iluminava o meu dia,jamais poderia ficar triste perto de você.Hoje

somente lembranças lindas que tenho de você,uma pureza cheia de

inocência,essa saudade que jamais irá passar.Minha Isabella

minha boneca de porcelana,seu rostinho está gravado em minha

mente como um tesouro,seu sorriso faz com que eu possa

continuar minha jornada.Meu anjo do Céu,onde estiver estarás

fazendo feliz há quem estiver ao seu lado.

Esteja na paz e luz do Senhor,estarás sempre

sempre comigo,sorria minha filha,essa era a sua

marca registrada,um sorriso tão belo e puro

como sua alma,vai com Deus minha princesa,que um dia

 mamãe estará com você novamente.

Te Amo Minha Criança


Mamãe De Sempre

I Love You February 4, 2008
Mommy Misses You

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My child

Because of your beauty my sad days turn into special

and magnificent blssed days...Because of your

beauty i am writting this poem to you

in your loving memory

I will send it to heaven to let you know

how beautiful you are as an angel!

Love You So Much

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Your Forever Mom

IsaBella Our Precious Angel February 3, 2008
Mom's Little Girl

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Angel are menssengers at other time the presence of an angel

is enough to assume a person of God's love and care.

Here Is One Of God's Angel

We Love This Precious Angel So Much.

Our Bella

From The Other Side February 3, 2008
I Still Love You

BeBellinha.jpg picture by Isabella132004


My Bella Can Fly Below The Earth All

Through The Sky.

She Is Over On The Other Side

An Angel


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Where My Bella Is...

Its So BeautifulThere On The Other Side...

The Sweetest Songs...The Blue Sky...

I Can Feel Her With Me.

She Still Loves Me From Over

On The Other Side.


Forever Your Mom February 3, 2008
Hi Bella~My Sweet Child

MyLittlePrincess.jpg picture by Isabella132004


My Bella

I will always see your beautiful face,you will never be

forgotten,a million days could pass me by,but

you will always be with mom,in my heart

mind and soul.I still feel you here

with me,you are more than

a precious and sweet


You are my child...My angel

My Bella

Mom February 3, 2008
Oi Bella Minha~Hi Baby Bella

MyBaby.jpg picture by Isabella132004


Bellinha o seu dentinho de leite caiu,mamãe êle guardado,em um vidrinho

com alcool,meus diamantes que guardo com muito carinho.

Vejo essa sua foto,que bonequinha mais linda da


Te amo muito meu docinho de morango.

I love you so much my precious little girl.

Always and Forever Your Mom


Fernanda Abreu February 3, 2008
My Little Sister Isabella

BeBezinhodaMamae.jpg picture by Isabella132004


From the day you were born little sister i was so proud to be your sister,

my precious sister  Isabella i miss you so much.

You brought so many dreams by the wonderful and loving person

you become,kind friendly and sweet.Even at only twenty one

years you had archieved lot of beautiful memories.

I will always miss and love you.

I know that you found peace and that you are happy.

Rest in peace my precious little sister.

Forever in my heart.

Your Forever Sister





Mom~Forever~Mom February 3, 2008
i Love You

PreciousBella.jpg picture by Isabella132004


I love you not for what you are...

I am with you always and forever,i love you not

only for what you have made of yourself,but for what you are

making for me.I love you beacuse you have done more than anyone

could have done...I love You I just love you sweet child.

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Te Amo Minha Filha Querida!

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