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Isabellas Beauty

BellArtDecor.png picture by Clores




MAY 29 1983 - DECEMBER 13 2004

The Beauty Of An Angel

Isabellas Beauty

by Clores Robinson

Isabella child of mine,you are so beautiful,

Because of your beauty,

The sun rises everyday to light up the earth and my life.

Because of your beauty,

A blossom blooms and holds it scent

in the garden of my life.

Because of your beauty,

The songs sung in my heart gently and beautifully

echoing your name I*S*A*B*E*L*L*A.

Because of your beauty,

The sun's reflections shine and glint in the ocean.

Because of your beauty,

The stars shine so bright with a brilliant light up in the sky.

Because of your beauty,

The gorgeous moon light's up my way on earth.

Because of your beauty,

My sad days turn into a special and magnificent blessed days.

Because of your beauty,

I am writting this poem to you in your memory,

and i will send to heaven to let you know how beautiful

you are as an angel!

My Angel I love You


Poem Made In Loving Memory Of

 Isabella Abreu Carvalho

By Her Mother

Clores B.Abreu Robinson