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Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Rapon
G'Morning BELLA, I'll be walking for Cancer this Weekend, In my hearts always, see u Monday. God/b hugs, love 2u & mom
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Dropping in to say hello. Think of you often.
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
We send this Special Message to the Heavens up above ,please take care of Our Angels and give them all Our Love Wendy and Sarah ♥♥
Dessa Joseph Smith's mom
Love you angel you are always on my mind and forever in my heart. (Hugs and love to your family)
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Loved with a loved beyond all telling, missed with a grief beyond all tears. God bless u BELLA & family, hugs Clores.....
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
In the Garden of Memory you meet Everyday with Bella xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Have a beautiful night in Heaven Bella. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! God Bless!
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay hugs Wendy&Sarah ♥♥
Randi-Mark's Mom
You live in the hearts of all who love and miss you. Have a beautiful weekend sweet angel Bella
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
A Littie Tribute Small and Tender Just to say I still Remember xxxxxxxxxxxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
The Tears in Our Eyes We can Wipe Away The Ache in Our Hearts Will Always Stay xxxxxxxxxx
Onesima~Mom T ^Y^ Dino Raponi
A little tribute small & tender just to say you precious angel BELLA always be remember, loved& missed. Carinos always. xo
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