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Just Bella...Belliss...Forever Baby BellaMy Heavenly AngelI Miss My BellaGod's Angel ^i^Isabe...Missing Our ^i^Bella...Your Birthday In Hea...Your Christmas In He...Isabellas FamilyHeavenIn Memory Of Isabella Isabella Valentines...AngelsMy Precious Little G...Isabella's GardenBellissima IsaBellaIsabellas BeautyHappy Easter IsabellaThe Heaven's GateBellinha My AngelMy Little Princess
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♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Roses are Red Violets are blue just want you to know how much We All remember you. Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Forever young, forever missed, forever loved, forever treasure in the hearts of all who love & miss you BELLA> g/b hugs Clores
In the still of night we call HIS name & God listens~At the dawn of day, any time any place, God hears & answers our call~
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
While you dear Bella rest and sleep your loving memory we will always keep xxxxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Sending you Love and Hugs all the way to Heaven xxxxxxxxxx
brother 2 Waylon Kitchens
Lighting this candle with love today. May it's flame shine up to Heaven! God Bless you and your family...
Onesima~mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Good night sweet BELLA, send mom sweet dreams of you. Forever loved and missed. G/B Hugs Clores...
Patty~Mom To Nicholas Zanfini
Isabella, Thinking of you Beautiful Angel..Lighting a candle in your Honor..Luv to you & Mom always..xox
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
In the garden of memory you meet everyday xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wendy ^Y^ Kevin Conatty Fiance
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay we miss you so Much Hugs Wendy and Sarah ♥♥
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
No lengh of time can take away my thoughts of you today precious BELLA. God bless you ^Y^, hugs Clores...
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
With each memory we meet again with those we love.. For the heart never forgets. Love and prayers.
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