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Coral Mum to Angel DJ
The eyes see things more clearly in Dreams then the Imaganation awake Love and Hugs xxx
Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Morning Bella..offline for a couple of days. Thought I would say a quick hello while I am able. God Bless you and ur precious Mom
Grandmother to Angie Robert.
Gone but never forgotten..Forever in our thoughts..Time goes by but memories never die..Hugs to u Sweetie..
Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15 Remembered with love IsaBella..special star xo
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Nothing is better then when you first see an Angel your Angel and knowing they Love you back xxx
AngieTrevizo mom of Christophe
Hello Sweet Bella, I pray all is well at home and u r sending comfort home. Mom has a beautiful angel in paradise
Mom To Angel Nicholas Zanfini
Letting you know I think of you and Mom always..Rest in Peace sweet Angel..xoxoox
Isabella keeping you in my prayers, forever, beautiful angel, watch over mommy. xx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
A Rustle in the wind Reminds us an Angel is near Love and Hugs xxx
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Forever Young Forever Loved and Missed xxxx
Grandmother to Angie Robert.
Gone but never forgotten..In my thoughts and prayers..Have a nice day Sweetie.. {Hugs}
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
Hearts will Never be practical Until they are made Unbreakable Love and Hugs xxx
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