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Fernanda & Marcos Filho
Ola Bella querida,saudade e mais saudade,um belo dia para voce com muito amor,paz e luz,estamos mandando muitas flores.Beijoca
Queridas amigas, tenham um lindo dia! Carinho, Caio e Iuiu
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
If Love could have saved you,you would of lived forever Love and Hugs xx
Good Night Hugs& Kisses
Nite nite my Bella,i am sending you hugs and kisses,please keep your blanket close to your face.Nite nite my child sleep tight.
Valerie Haslett.
Stopping by to wish you good night in heaven beautiful Bella.Stay close to mom and make her smile you have such a beautiful smile
shirley ling/ Gemma's mum
that beautiful smile cannot be ignored sweet dreams Isabella x
Brittany's Grma Rose
Precious Isabella,we are so lost without you.We will forever love and miss you .Sending hugs to you & your family.
Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Those whom we love go out of sight but never out of mind,They are cherished in the hearts of those they leave behind. Bless you
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^Dino Raponi~
Prayers &love 2u ^J^ Bella & ur family, may ur precious memory comfort them, G/B, hugs & carinos Clores
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
G'Morning precious & beautiful BELLISIMA fly close 2ur family & wrap ur ^J^ wings around them let them feel ur warmth,
Cheryl ^Jezza^ Radford
Hello beautiful Bella. Your personal star arrived today and will be sent off to Mom ASAP. Bless you you always Clores xo
Coral Mum to Angel DJ
We don't remember days we remember moments Love and Hugs xxx
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